

Automotive, Single-channel Reinforced Isolated Gate Driver

The CA-IS3215/6 devices are a family of single-channel reinforced isolated gate driver capable of sinking 15A and sourcing 15A peak-current. These devices operate with dual supplies or a single supply of up to 33V wide voltage range of VDD - VEE, making them ideal to drive high-power MOSFET, IGBT or silicon-carbide(SiC) transistors in various inverter, motor control or isolated power supply systems.

The CA-IS3215/6 gate drivers integrate extensive active protection, such as active Miller clamp, UVLO detection on both control-side and driver-side supply, over-current and short-circuit fault alarm and protection, to optimize SiC and IGBT control and improve system reliability. All devices have integrated digital galvanic isolation between control-side and driver-side using Chipanalog’s proprietary SiO2 capacitive isolation technology which features isolation for a withstand voltage rating of up to 5.7kVRMS for 60 seconds with minimum common-mode transient immunity (CMTI) of 150V/ns, support up to 1500VRMS isolation working voltage and 12.8kVPK surge rating.

The CA-IS3215/6 devices are available in a 16-pin widebody SOIC package with creepage and clearance > 8mm. All devices are rated for operation at junction temperatures of -40°C to +150°C. Higher operation temperature range extends gate driver designs in the industrial and automotive applications. 

CA-IS3215SNW-Q1 .jpg
  • Features

    15A Peak Sink Current and 15A Peak Source Current

    OUTH and OUTL Split Outputs

    Drive High-power SiC MOSFET and IGBT with up to 2121 VPK Operating Voltage

    Up to 33V Output Drive Supply Range(VDD-VEE) with 12V VDD UVLO Detection and Power-Good Indication RDY

    Robust Galvanic Isolation

    Robust Galvanic Isolation
    Up to 5.7kVRMS isolation rating
    Common-mode transient immunity (CMTI) >±150V/ns

    Input Features Fast Transient/Pulse Reject (< 40ns,typical)

    Integrated Desaturation (DESAT) Protection with 200ns Fast-Response

    4A Internal Active Miller Clamp

    Inputs and Outputs Features up to 5V Overshoot/Under-shoot Transient Immunity

    Shoot Through Protection(CA-IS3215S_ and CAIS3216S_ only)

    Fast Disable/Enable Control (RST/EN)

    Over-current Alarm FLT and Reset from RST/EN

    Propagation Delay

    130ns propagation delay (maximum)
    30ns pulse skew
    30ns part to part skew (maximum)

    400mA (IGBT)/1A (SiC) Soft turn-off Current during Fault Occurs

    16-pin Wide-body SOIC Package with Creepage and Clearance >8mm

    -40°C to +150°C Operating Junction Temperature (TJ) Range

    Safety regulatory approvals

    VDE Reinforced isolation and Basic isolation per DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (VDE 0884-17): 2021-10
    UL certification per UL 1577 for 1 minute
    CQC certification per GB 4943.1-2022
    AEC-Q100, Grade 1

  • Applications

    • HEV and EV Traction Inverter

    • On Board Charger (OBC)

    • Automotive High-voltage DC-DC Convertor

  • Device Information

    Part NumberPackagePackage Size(Nominal Value)

    SOIC16-WB (W)

    10.3 mm x 7.5 mm

    SOIC16-WB (W)

    10.3 mm x 7.5 mm
  • Simplified Functional Diagram
